
The Darkest Nights - Part 2 is up!!
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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Two Sisters

Foxstar ran through the forest, feeling the wind in his dark ginger fur.
He parted his jaws for any sign of prey, stopping abruptly when a new scent wafted in the air.

Curious, he followed the scent to a small clearing in the forest. The two cats that sat there looked up with expectant eyes. One with fur as black as night and eyes as bright and blue as the ocean when the sun dazzles upon the surface, and the other with a pelt as brown and as fitting in the forest as ever, with eyes as green as the leaves above the three cats.
"Who are you?" The first cat asked, turning her blue eyes toward the leader.
"Foxstar...leader of SunClan." He cocked his head. "You two...don't you have anywhere to go?"
They shook their heads in unison. "We found this place shortly after..." The second cat trailed off, leaving Foxstar to wonder.
"You don't happen to have space in this...SunClan, do you?" The first cat spoke in a clam voice, not showing any other emotion.
"Sure, just follow me. We have plenty of space in our camp." He gave them a smile, padding off toward the direction of camp.
The leader leaped onto the Sunrock, gazing down into his camp for a split second before calling his clan.
"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey, join here beneath the Sunrock for a clan meeting!"
A blur of cats appeared from out the dens, staring at the two cats.
"We have two new cats joining us today, named Dreamfeather and Falconfeather. Falconfeather is to be a warrior, having the skills already. Dreamfeather, however, wishes to take another path. Dreamfeather, are you sure you want to take the route of a medicine cat? I must warn you there is no turning back."
With a calm voice, she spoke, "I do."
"Then may StarClan light your path as you find your hidden skills as a medicine cat."

Dreamfeather! Falconfeather! Dreamfeather! Falconfeather!

(I'm going to try to make all my posts better to read, but I was suffering from writer's block during the first post, and was too lazy to make ceremonies for the other cats. Sorry about that.)


  1. Dreamfeather smiled to Foxstar. "Thank you very much." She said calmly and padded towards the medicine cat den.

    Falconfeather grinned, then dipped her head to Foxstar. She padded over to a group of cats, "Hi."

  2. Ravenswoop dipped his head to the new Warriors. 'Greetings, Falconfeather and Dreamfeather. Welcome to the Clan.' The dark-pelted Deputy mewed calmly.

    'My sentiments exactly!' Shadowflower purred happily as she padded up behind her brother. 'Hi, I'm Shadowflower; Ravenswoop's sister.

    ~Shadowflower and Ravenswoop

  3. Lionstrike turned toward Falconfeather, grinning. "I'm Lionstrike." His ear twitched, nodding swiftly to Dreamfeather as she passed.

    - Lionstrike -

  4. Falconfeather smiled.

    Dreamfeather nodded to Lionstrike.
