
The Darkest Nights - Part 2 is up!!
This has been inactive. D:
Does anyone have any suggestions or requests that would make them want to come on here more?

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Ravenswoop padded through the forest, ducking behind a mass of green foliage and past an open clearing.
A sparrow was perched on a branch of a pine tree, plunging down to the forest floor, in search for seeds.
The deputy dropped to a low crouch, narrowing his eyes at the sight of prey. The forest was silent, as if holding its breath, and the sparrow didn't suspect a thing.
Ravenswoop pounced, sinking his claws into the sparrow and killing it with a swift bite. Every piece of prey was important for the clan, even if the clan wasn't the largest clan around.
"Did you see that? We're going to have to learn how to hunt if we're going to survive here," an urgent voice hissed.
Ravenswoop's ears were pricked, trying to catch the conversation.
"I know"
The black tom followed the voices into the clearing he passed before. There crouched a very pale silver she-cat with dark green eyes and a dark, stormy gray tom with pale blue eyes. They both stumbled back at the sight of him, eyes widened.
"I know this is all sudden but...who are you and what are you doing here?" Ravenswoop kept his voice calm, not wanting to scare them off.
The two cats exchanged a glance and the she-cat stepped forward. "I'm Holly. He's Storm. We're siblings, lost in here, nowhere to go."
Ravenswoop nodded slowly, an amused smile forming on his face. "I don't think you two would want to join SunClan, do you?"
"SunClan?" They said simultaneously.
"A clan. With a leader, deputy, medicine cat..."
Lionstrike sped across the shoreline, flattening his ears against the wind. His mind was concentrated on other things, and he needed to get away from the clan...just for a moment.
By the time he got to the start of the forest, he was bowled over by a silver she-cat.
Shocked, the warrior tried to focus on the cat. Sky blue eyes were glaring at him from within the forest, watching him. "N-Nightbreeze?"
The she-cat spat out the name. "Nightbreeze? You think I'm Nightbreeze? That scrawny gray she-cat that was hunting a rabbit this afternoon?"
Lionstrike faced her, his eyes flaring. "It's not like you're any better." His eyes scanned the cat. It didn't look like she had been eating; most likely she'd been feeding off of crowfood, instead.
"Look," the she-cat growled. "I've been watching you. You can't stop my clan. The whole of SunClan can't."
Lionstrike snarled back. "We're just as strong as your clan. Don't criticize me- us before you know what we're capable of.
The she-cat laughed menacingly, staring at Lionstrike straight in the eye. "You don't know how much I've learned. I've watched you from the very beginning, and unless you want to join our clan, you and your clan are going to be gone."
The ginger warrior's eyes narrowed. "Until you tell me what's going on, you can think twice about taking over SunClan."
"Featherstar, leader of MistClan."
Lionstrike glared at the leader. "And you want me to join, why?"
"You seem...a little like what we're looking for."
"And what would that be?"
"Menacing. Willing to die in battle."
"I have my reasons."
Lionstrike held his glare with Featherstar, then turned away, to the direction of camp. "We'll see."
Featherstar grinned, watching as the warrior padded back to SunClan. "One down, the rest of the clan to go."


  1. Ravenswoop padded through the forest towards the camp, Storm and Holly in his wake.
    For a moment, he thought he heard voices.. he pricked his ears, and heard what sounded like Lionstrike saying, 'I've had 9 seasons'*, and then, 'Steal tree'*
    He turned to where the sound came from, and saw a swift flash of silver disappearing into the forest, and then Lionstrike padding away near a rear entrance to the camp. He told Storm and Holly to, 'Head on to the camp, it wasn't far' and that 'He'd join them soon'. He then trotted over to Lionstrike.

    "I didn't know you were as old a nine seasons..." Ravenswoop mewed wide-eyed.

    (*Nine seasons as in, I have my reasons and Steal tree as in We'll see :)

    [sorry for playing Lionstrike a little bit :P])

  2. (Oh, it's okay!!! ^^)

    Lionstrike stopped in the middle of his path, looking up. "What? No, I'm not that old. Where'd you hear that from?" His tail twitched nervously. What could he have heard?


  3. Ravenswoop's sharp eyes caught a sense of nervousness in Lionstrike's eyes. "Oh, my apologies, I heard you talking to someone and thought you said you had nine seasons and then said something about stealing a tree." Ravenswoop chuckled. "I also thought I saw a silver cat disappearing into the bracken.. That must have been my imagination again, eh? Because we all know I have such an imagination." Mewed the black tom meaningfully, for all knew that he was a definite realist and very steady-headed.


  4. Lionstrike's ear twitched as he smiled weakly. "Maybe it was just a trick of the light, since I was just talking to myself...I've had a lot on my mind."


  5. "...It must have been. Sorry to bother you." The dark Deputy mewed. However he was not convinced, he couldn't go on accusing Lionstrike of things he wasn't even sure of. He started to stalk off towards the camp.
